

1. 簡介

  • 1.1 合作物流運輸有限公司(「本公司」或「我們」)致力保障您個人資料的私隱及安全。
  • 1.2 本「收集個人資料聲明」乃按照《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第486章)所編製,並應與本公司的「私隱政策聲明」一併閱讀
  • 1.3 如您對本公司的「私隱政策聲明」或「收集個人資料聲明」有任何疑問,請致電 (852) 3480 9793 或電郵coo[email protected]與本公司的顧客服務經理聯絡。

2. 收集個人資料之目的

  • 2.1 本公司將就以下目的使用您的個人資料:-
  • (a) 按您首選的時間及地點與本公司的相關醫務人員進行預約;及 /
  • (b) 處理您的查詢 / 投訴。

3. 直接促銷

  • 3.1 本公司不會使用您透過進行預約及 / 或作出查詢 / 投訴而在本公司網頁提供的個人資料作直接促銷用途。

4. 個人資料的安全及保留

  • 4.1 請參閱本公司的「私隱政策聲明」以了解本公司就個人資料的安全及保留的相關政策。

5. 查閱及更改個人資料

  • 5.1 作為資料當事人,您有權要求查閱及更改您的個人資料。本公司有權就處理您的查閱個人資料要求收取合理費用。
  • 5.2如您需行使此權利,請以書面形式將您的要求:



Personal Information Collection Statement

1. Introduction

  • 1.1 Cooperate Logistics Transportation Limited (“we”, “us” or “our”) are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal data.
  • 1.2 This Personal Information Collection Statement is prepared in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486). It should be read together with our Privacy Policy Statement.
  • 1.3 If you have any queries regarding our Privacy Policy Statement or this Personal Information Collection Statement, please contact our Customer Service Manager at (852) 3480 9793 or [email protected]

2. Purpose of Collection

  • 2.1 Your personal data will be used by us for the following purposes:-
  • (a) Making an appointment with our relevant health professional(s) at your preferred time and location; and / or
  • (b) Handling your enquiries / complaints.

3. Direct Marketing

  • 3.1 We will not use your personal data provided through our website in order to make an appointment and / or an enquiry / complaint for direct marketing.

4. Security and Retention

  • 4.1 Please refer to our Privacy Policy Statement for our policies in respect of the security and retention of your personal data.

5. Data Access and Correction

  • 5.1 As a data subject, you have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data. We have the right to charge a reasonable fee for processing your personal data access request.
  • 5.2 To exercise this right, please send your request in writing to:-
    By post: Flat B3, 12/F., Jone Mult Factory Building, 169 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
    Or, by email: [email protected]
    Note: This Personal Information Collection Statement may be amended from time to time. You should check for updates on this webpage.



