

1. 簡介

  • 1.1 合作物流運輸有限公司(「本公司」或「我們」)致力保障您個人資料的私隱及安全。
  • 1.2 本「私隱政策聲明」乃按照《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第486章)所編製。
  • 1.3 如您對本公司的「私隱政策聲明」或「收集個人資料聲明」有任何疑問,請致電 (852)3480 9793或電郵[email protected]與本公司的顧客服務經理聯絡。

2. 個人資料之收集

  • 2.1 本公司不會在您瀏覽本公司網站時收集您的個人資料,除非您決定就特定目的向本公司提供您的個人資料,例如提出查詢、進行網上預約或登記成為QQVan會員。
  • 2.2 假如您未滿18歲,或精神上無行為能力,您應在向本公司提供您的個人資料前事先取得您的父母、監護人、近親或個人看護的同意。

3. 收集個人資料之目的

  • 3.1 本公司將透過我們的網站就以下目的收集您的個人資料:-
  • (a) 處理您的查詢及 / 或投訴;
  • (b) 登記您為QQVAN會員,及在取得您的同意或不反對的表示後,向您提供有關本公司產品及服務的資訊;及 / 或
  • (c) 處理您向本公司提出的職位申請;及/或
  • (d) 進行客戶服務及本公司的刊物的讀者意見調查。

4. 所收集的個人資料

  • 4.1 一般而言,所收集的個人資料將限於您的聯絡資料及人口統計信息,例如您的名稱、電話號碼及電郵地址。

5. 個人資料之披露

  • 5.1 本公司會將您的個人資料保密。除非另有訂明,本公司不會向第三方披露您的個人資料。

6. 直接促銷

  • 6.1 除非本公司取得您的同意或不反對的表示,本公司將不會使用您的個人資料作直接促銷用途。
  • 6.2 本公司有聘用第三方服務供應商作為本公司的代理,以促銷本公司的某些產品及服務。因此,如您向本公司提供您的個人資料作直接促銷用途,您的個人資料將會被移轉給該等服務供應商。該等服務供應商有合約義務保障您的個人資料免受非授權或意外取閱、處理、刪除及使用,並只能根據本公司的指示使用您的個人資料作以作直接促銷本公司的產品及服務。

7. 個人資料之安全

  • 7.1 本公司將採取所有切實可行的步驟以確保您的個人資料免受非授權或意外取閱、處理、刪除及 / 或使用。
  • 7.2 除非本公司向第三方服務供應商提供您的個人資料,查閱您的個人資料的人士將僅限於已獲授權及已接受訓練處理個人資料並負有嚴格保密義務的本公司僱員。
  • 7.3 本公司在傳送我們網站所收集的個人資料時或會應用加密技術。

8. 個人資料的保留

  • 8.1 您的個人資料只會被保留至達到收集有關資料的目的為止,其後您的個人資料將被銷毁。

9. Cookies的使用

  • 9.1 本公司的網站使用cookies。Cookies是由網絡伺服器置於您的電腦的小型文本文件,該文本文件其後可被再次讀取。
  • 9.2 Cookies能於您的電腦儲存您的喜好及其他資料,因此您毋須重覆輸入相同的資料。Cookies的應用亦能讓本公司顯示個人化的內容及 / 或在您以後瀏覽本公司網站時向您作廣告宣傳。Cookies並不能用作操作您電腦上的程式或傳送病毒至您的電腦。
  • 9.3 在您登入本公司網站時,一個cookie形式的識別號碼會被儲存於您的電腦內,這讓您在瀏覽本公司網站的各個網頁時毋須再次重新登入網站。在您登出本公司網站時,cookie會從您的電腦被刪除。
  • 9.4 大部份的網站瀏覽器會自動接納cookies,但您可透過更改您電腦的瀏覽器設置來拒絶接受cookies。如您拒絶接受cookies,您或許不能使用本公司網站的若干互動功能。

10. 其他網站

  • 10.1 本「私隱政策聲明」只適用於本公司的網站,對於我們網站內提供的外部網站連結,本公司對該等網站並無控制權。我們建議您應參閱這些外部網站的私隱政策以了解更多詳情。

11. 查閱及更改個人資料

  • 11.1 作為資料當事人,您有權要求查閱及更改本公司為您持有的個人資料。
  • 11.2 請您以書面形式將查閱或更改個人資料的要求:
    顧客服務經理或電郵:[email protected]
  • 11.3 本公司有權就處理您的查閱資料要求收取合理費用。
  • 11.4 如您需更改或更新您的個人資料,您亦可於本公司網站的相關網頁更新您的資料。

12. 同意本公司的條款

  • 12.1 重要:當您瀏覽本公司網站時,即表示您同意您已閱讀本「私隱政策聲明」並接納上述的私隱政策。
  • 註:本「私隱政策聲明」會被不時修訂。您應在本網頁查閱最新的資料。

Privacy Policy Statement

1. Introduction

  • 1.1 Cooperate Logistics Transportation Limited (“we”, “us” or “our”) are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal data. 
  • 1.2 This Privacy Policy Statement is prepared in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486). 
  • 1.3 If you have any queries regarding this Privacy Policy Statement or our Personal Information Collection Statement, please contact our Customer Service Manager at (852)3480 9793 or [email protected].

2. Collection of Personal Data

  • 2.1 We will not collect your personal data when you visit our website, unless you decide to provide your data to us for a specific purpose, such as making an enquiry or an online booking, or registering as a QQVAN member.
  • 2.2 If you are under the age of 18 or are mentally incapacitated, you should obtain your parent’s, guardian’s, next-of-kin’s or carer’s consent before providing your personal data to us.


3. Purposes of Collection 

  • 3.1 We collect your personal data through our website for the following purposes:
  • (a) Handling your enquiries and / or complaints; 
  • (b) Registering you as a CARECLUB member and, subject to your consent or indication of no objection, providing you with information in relation to our products and services; and / or
  • (c) Processing your job application with us; and/or
  • (d) Conducting surveys for customer services and readers’ opinions on our publications.


4. Personal Data Collected

  • 4.1 Our website (excluding the “Careers” section), only collects the personal data that you choose to provide to us. 
  • 4.2 Generally this is limited to your contact details and demographic information, for example your name, telephone number and email address. Our website’s “Careers” section also collects job applicants’ application letters and resumes.


5. Disclosure 

  • 5.1 We will keep your personal data confidential. Unless specified otherwise, we will not disclose your personal data to third parties.


6. Direct Marketing

  • 6.1 Unless we obtain your consent or indication of no objection, we will not use your personal data for direct marketing. 
  • 6.2 We engage third party service providers as our agents to market some of our products and services. Accordingly, if you have provided us your personal data for direct marketing it will be passed to these service providers, who are under contractual obligations to protect your personal data against unauthorized or accidental access, process, erasure and use, and to only use the data for direct marketing of our products and services in accordance with our instructions. 


7. Security

  • 7.1 We will take all practicable steps to ensure that your personal data is protected against unauthorized or accidental access, processing, erasure and / or use.
  • 7.2 Unless your personal data is to be provided to third party service providers, access will be restricted to our employees, who are authorised and trained to handle such data, and who are under strict confidentiality obligations. 
  • 7.3 Encryption technology may be employed for the transmission of your personal data collected on our website.


8. Retention

  • 8.1 Your personal data will only be retained for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) of collection, after which it will be destroyed.


9. Use of Cookies

  • 9.1 We use cookies on our website. A cookie is a small text file, which is placed on your computer by a web server, and can later be retrieved.  
  • 9.2 Cookies are used to store your preferences and other information on your computer, so that you do not need to enter the same information repeatedly. The use of cookies also enables us to display personalized content and / or advertising on your later visits to our website. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer.
  • 9.3 When you sign in to our website, an identification number in the form of a cookie will be saved on your computer. This allows you to move from page to page on our website without having to sign in again on each page. When you sign out, this cookie will be deleted from your computer. 
  • 9.4 Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you may refuse to accept cookies by modifying the browser settings on your computer.  If you choose to decline cookies, you may be unable to use certain interactive features of our website.

10. Other Websites

  • 10.1 This Privacy Policy Statement only applies to our website, which may provide links to other external websites over which we do not have control. You are advised to refer to the privacy policies of these websites for more information. 


11. Data Access and Correction 

  • 11.1 As a data subject, you have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by us.
  • 11.2 Please send your request for access to or correction of your personal data in writing to:-
    By post: Flat B3, 12/F., Jone Mult Factory Building, 169 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
    Or by email: [email protected]
  • 11.3 We are entitled to charge a reasonable fee for processing your data access request.
  • 11.4 You may also correct or update your personal data by updating your profile on the relevant page(s) of our website.


12. Agreement to Our Terms

  • 12.1 IMPORTANT:  By visiting our website, you agree that you have read this Privacy Policy Statement and accept our privacy policies as set out above.
  • Note:  This Privacy Policy Statement may be amended from time to time. You should check for updates on this webpage. 



